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​Keeping your Bathroom Cool During the Heatwave

Author: Darren

Date Published: 23/06/2023

It's a sweltering start to the summer in the UK, and we're deep into a heatwave. With temperatures set to soar again this weekend, you might find yourself at your wits' end when it comes to keeping your bathroom cool. After all - on hot days, our bathrooms can be some of the most uncomfortable places in our homes, especially when having a hot shower!

Whether you've got just one bathroom or separate shower rooms and ensuites, plenty of helpful tips will ensure your space stays pleasant throughout even the hottest days.

In this blog post, Westside Bathrooms wants to give you some advice for managing your airflow and ventilation, blocking out the sun, staying hydrated (of course!), and taking refreshing showers that won't leave you feeling like a boiled lobster afterwards. So before you sweat, we'll give you immediate relief from these hot summer days by cooling yourself right down, right HERE in your bathroom!

Understanding the science of keeping a bathroom cool during heatwaves

Let's face it, keeping a cool and comfortable bathroom during heat waves is a tricky task. But worry not, for science comes to our rescue! Did you know that white tiles and walls can reflect sunlight and help keep the bathroom cool? Installing a ceiling fan and keeping the doors and windows open during cooler hours of the day also aids in ventilation. Additionally, placing aloe vera and spider plants on the windowsill can help reduce the temperature by a few degrees. So, say goodbye to those hot and sweaty bathroom days and welcome a refreshing and revitalising shower even during the peak of summer!

How to maximise ventilation in your bathroom to keep it cool

Ah, the bathroom: a place of peace and tranquillity where we can unwind and rejuvenate ourselves. However, if the room lacks ventilation, it can quickly become a steamy sauna, leaving us feeling sticky, sweaty and frustrated. Fear not, for there are ways to maximise the ventilation and keep the cool air flowing. Firstly, ensure that the bathroom has a window that opens to the outside air, allowing fresh air to circulate in the room. Alternatively, an extractor fan can also do the trick – switch it on before taking a shower or bath, and leave it running for at least 15 minutes after finishing. Another nifty trick is to leave the bathroom door open to allow air to circulate more freely. With these easy tips, your bathroom will be transformed into the cool, refreshing place you deserve.

Taking advantage of natural resources to keep your bathroom cooler

With Astronomical Summer having just begun, we all want to keep our homes comfortable and cool without breaking the bank. One way to do so is by taking advantage of the natural resources around us, especially in the bathroom. Whether it's opening up a window to let in a cool breeze, installing an electric shower to use hot water on demand rather than heating water through a boiler, or using plants to absorb excess moisture and purify the air, there are plenty of practical ways to keep your bathroom cooler this season. So go ahead and embrace the great outdoors (or indoor plants) as your allies in the battle against heat and humidity.

Tips for taking cool showers during intense heatwaves

The sweltering heat of a heatwave can be unbearable, but don't worry - I'm here with some refreshing tips to help you beat the heat! Taking cool showers is one of the best ways to combat the scorching temperatures, and you can make them even more refreshing with some easy tweaks. First things first, try using peppermint or eucalyptus oil to add a refreshing scent to your shower. Next, mix up the temperature by alternating between hot and cold water for a truly invigorating experience. And if you're feeling brave, finish with a few seconds of cold water to wake yourself up! Trust me, with these tips, your cool shower will leave you feeling energised, refreshed and ready to tackle the day, no matter how hot it gets.

Ways to block out sunlight and prevent overheating

As the temperature outside rises and the sunshine comes out to play, keeping your home or office space cool and comfortable is important. One easy way to do this is by blocking out the sunlight with blinds. Not only will this keep the heat from seeping into the room, but it will also improve the decor of your bathroom. Another cheaper option is to use a temporary window film (such as a piece of cardboard) that not only blocks out sunlight but also offers privacy.

Our Conclusion

Heatwaves can be an uncomfortable experience, especially in small areas like bathrooms where temperatures can reach unbearable heights. Understanding the science behind it and taking advantage of resources such as the wind, water, and blocks from direct sunlight can ensure our bathroom stays cooler during intense heat waves! Finding creative solutions tailored to your living space is key to beating out each heat wave comfortably.

Apartment dwellers may have fewer options for ventilation, but with good planning, they can take advantage of blocking out the sun with blinds and keeping some airflow throughout the flat or apartment. Regularly taking cool showers might get you through the hottest days while maintaining a pleasant room temperature for everyone in your household.

So don't despair when that sun beats down - with our tips and tricks on keeping a bathroom cool during heat waves, you'll be much better prepared for each one!

Why shop at Westside Bathrooms?

Westside Bathrooms has been trading for nearly 40 years and provides a full range of bathroom products, including showers, enclosures, sanitaryware, furniture and Brassware. Westside Bathrooms can help supply you with the best products on the market, whatever your needs, budget, style or inspiration.

We have a team of customer service staff who can help you with your order, give advice and answer any questions. Call 01472 266100 or contact via e-mail at info@westsidebathrooms.co.uk for any help at any stage of your buying journey.